A hitch hiker from dog town who goes by the name of Kai, managed to take down a man who attacked a woman. Kai was hitch hiking with the attacker when the attacker then told Kai he just raped a 14 year old, and burst out in tears on kais shoulder. The man then told Kai he was jesus and could do anything he wanted to and proceeded to crashing his car into a person. The person was samwiched between two cars and any freight train rider knows you cant un-samwich him or he would bleed out. Kai  exited the car as and removed the keys. After this the man attacked a woman, so Kai had no choice but, to hit the man in the back of the head with a hatchet 3 times, as he described smash, smash, saaaamassshh. The woman thanked Kai for his nobel efforts. Kai wouldnt think twice about saving a live again if the chance came. Kai wishes to continue his life by surfing and hittin some naarr as if nothing had happened.

I chose this video because, it shows that we still havent modernized enough and that "Smashing somone in the back of the head with a hatchet" still has to be done in 2013. To avoid conflicts like this we should educate the public more and provide better health care to the public. I beleive this will help unstable people in society and give them much better lives.

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